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Revolutionize Lab Management with an End-to-End platform for your R&D team

Get the #1 LIMS solution that delivers unlimited project capacity, dozens of unique visualizations, and unique predictive capabilities on a single platform that eliminates the mess of using spreadsheets, forever.

Schedule Your Free Demo, Today!

Key Benefits

Streamline all your lab data
Share key insights across teams
Predict new formulation performance
Stay compliant & secure
Accelerate development of new products
Perform data analysis, instantly
Enable AI-driven predictive capabilities
And much more!

The Benefits of End-to-End Lab Data Systems

Speed Up Your R&D Workflows

Easily connect experimental and test data at every stage across all of your R&D workflows

Centralize & Access All Your Data

Collect, store, manage, and archive all of your project data and information within one accessible and searchable repository.

Visualize & Connect Your Data

ParaGenerate advanced visualizations that automatically surface key correlations in your complex data setsgraph

Automate & Optimize Your Discovery

Leverage cross-project learnings, predict new formulation performance, & receive optimized experiment suggestions

Why Uncountable?

Capture all formulation and experiment data in a secure, centralized location in a single, shareable workbook in the cloud
Collaborate on key insights and enable your scientists to quickly access key information to inform development work
Uncover novel relationships in your data, quickly test hypotheses, and easily present important learnings