Case Study

Carbon Accelerates Production with Centralized Data Platform

Carbon Accelerates Digital Production via Centralized Platform for Materials Data

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Carbon, a 3D printing technology company founded in 2013, has played a major role in advancing digital production. With offerings from 3D printers to cloud-based design tools to the materials themselves, Carbon helps businesses develop better products and bring them to market faster.

Today, Carbon’s materials team develops resins for everything from life sciences and dental applications to everyday consumer hardware. The team has used Uncountable since 2018 to help them manage their data, make important decisions on formulas, and get new materials to production.

Though they started using Uncountable for only a few projects, Carbon quickly realized the benefits of having one integrated system to collect their materials data and support future development efforts.

Download the full PDF version and Watch the Video Case Study Here

Jun 21, 2021

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Carbon, a 3D printing technology company founded in 2013, has played a major role in advancing digital production. With offerings from 3D printers to cloud-based design tools to the materials themselves, Carbon helps businesses develop better products and bring them to market faster.

Today, Carbon’s materials team develops resins for everything from life sciences and dental applications to everyday consumer hardware. The team has used Uncountable since 2018 to help them manage their data, make important decisions on formulas, and get new materials to production.

Though they started using Uncountable for only a few projects, Carbon quickly realized the benefits of having one integrated system to collect their materials data and support future development efforts.

Download the full PDF version and Watch the Video Case Study Here

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