Case Study

Customer Spotlight: Covestro Uses Uncountable for Optical Fiber Coating Product Development

Covestro Revolutionizes Product Development with Uncountable's Unified Platform: A Leap Forward in Optical Fiber Coating Technology

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Covestro’s Fiber Optic Materials team, an industry leader in providing innovative solutions for optical fiber coating formulations, has partnered with Uncountable to be their core platform for managing and connecting information across the product development process. Optical fiber is the primary transport media for transmission of information in modern telecommunication systems requiring high performance coatings to exacting specifications.

The group which previously relied on dozens of different tools to handle key functions like inventory, formulations development, synthesis, testing requests, data analysis, reporting, and predictive modeling was able to replace the majority of these legacy systems with Uncountable. Consolidating their key workflows into Uncountable single platform not only enables the Covestro team to streamline their processes, it has also enable data connectivity and digital collaboration that was never before possible.

Eric Urruti, Head of R&D for Fiber Optic Materials and Head of R&D for Coatings and Adhesives NA, was originally interested in Uncountable for its innovative DOE and machine learning capabilities was

“quickly blown away by the amount of time the Uncountable platform was able to save my researchers, technicians, and other team members. Uncountable streamlines our data management processes in so many ways that each employee is able to accomplish in minutes tasks that previously may have taken up to a week.” Eric goes on to say that “by leveraging Uncountable’s tools to automate data capture and improve data structure, we are able to take advantage of Uncountable’s machine learning technology on high priority projects to accelerate our development timelines as much as six months!”

We are very excited to continue to support Covestro and roll out the Uncountable platform to other global sites within the organization.

Aug 22, 2023

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Covestro’s Fiber Optic Materials team, an industry leader in providing innovative solutions for optical fiber coating formulations, has partnered with Uncountable to be their core platform for managing and connecting information across the product development process. Optical fiber is the primary transport media for transmission of information in modern telecommunication systems requiring high performance coatings to exacting specifications.

The group which previously relied on dozens of different tools to handle key functions like inventory, formulations development, synthesis, testing requests, data analysis, reporting, and predictive modeling was able to replace the majority of these legacy systems with Uncountable. Consolidating their key workflows into Uncountable single platform not only enables the Covestro team to streamline their processes, it has also enable data connectivity and digital collaboration that was never before possible.

Eric Urruti, Head of R&D for Fiber Optic Materials and Head of R&D for Coatings and Adhesives NA, was originally interested in Uncountable for its innovative DOE and machine learning capabilities was

“quickly blown away by the amount of time the Uncountable platform was able to save my researchers, technicians, and other team members. Uncountable streamlines our data management processes in so many ways that each employee is able to accomplish in minutes tasks that previously may have taken up to a week.” Eric goes on to say that “by leveraging Uncountable’s tools to automate data capture and improve data structure, we are able to take advantage of Uncountable’s machine learning technology on high priority projects to accelerate our development timelines as much as six months!”

We are very excited to continue to support Covestro and roll out the Uncountable platform to other global sites within the organization.

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