Case Study

AGC Chemicals Streamline Global Collaboration in R&D

AGC Chemicals Streamline Global Collaboration & Experimentation with Uncountable

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AGC Logo - Uncountable Case Study

Case Study Highlights

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About Our Customer: AGC Chemicals Americas

AGC Chemicals Americas (AGCCA) is a leading producer of fluorochemical technologies, compounds, and specialty materials with operations across the globe. As a global subsidiary of the largest glass company in the world, AGC Inc., AGC Chemicals America is headquartered in Pennsylvania and has operations across the world, including its application development group and central research center in Japan.

Section Highlights from The Full Case Study

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I. The Goal: New Materials Development & Business Expansion
II. The Challenge: Centralized Data & Global Collaboration
III. The Solution: Industry-Leading Chemicals & Materials R&D Platform
IV. Key Features & Benefits: Taking Data From Siloed to Streamlined
V. The Outcome: One of the Best Compounds AGC has Ever Developed

Download The Full Case Study to Learn More

What you'll learn: 
  • How Uncountable saved AGC weeks of physical experiment time 
  • How the platform helped AGC capture qualitative data from notes and discussions in a way they never could before
  • The predictive capabilities and features that optimized their workflows
  • How visualizations helped interpret large data sets representing different interactions
  • An overview of Uncountable’s AI-driven platform and its flexible and scalable capabilities
  • AGC’s evaluation criteria and implementation process
  • Performance metrics from before and after implementation
  • How AGC continues to use Uncountable today
  • And much, much, more

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Mar 22, 2023

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AGC Logo - Uncountable Case Study

Case Study Highlights

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About Our Customer: AGC Chemicals Americas

AGC Chemicals Americas (AGCCA) is a leading producer of fluorochemical technologies, compounds, and specialty materials with operations across the globe. As a global subsidiary of the largest glass company in the world, AGC Inc., AGC Chemicals America is headquartered in Pennsylvania and has operations across the world, including its application development group and central research center in Japan.

Section Highlights from The Full Case Study

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I. The Goal: New Materials Development & Business Expansion
II. The Challenge: Centralized Data & Global Collaboration
III. The Solution: Industry-Leading Chemicals & Materials R&D Platform
IV. Key Features & Benefits: Taking Data From Siloed to Streamlined
V. The Outcome: One of the Best Compounds AGC has Ever Developed

Download The Full Case Study to Learn More

What you'll learn: 
  • How Uncountable saved AGC weeks of physical experiment time 
  • How the platform helped AGC capture qualitative data from notes and discussions in a way they never could before
  • The predictive capabilities and features that optimized their workflows
  • How visualizations helped interpret large data sets representing different interactions
  • An overview of Uncountable’s AI-driven platform and its flexible and scalable capabilities
  • AGC’s evaluation criteria and implementation process
  • Performance metrics from before and after implementation
  • How AGC continues to use Uncountable today
  • And much, much, more

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