
Cibimmob Uses Uncountable to Enable Fast Analysis For Agile Abrasive Development

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Cibimmob, a division of Cibo Abrasives and manufacturer of 3D non-woven abrasives for sanding and polishing applications, recently selected Uncountable as their R&D management platform. They partnered with Uncountable in large part due to the comprehensiveness of the platform, which is purpose-built to support end-to-end R&D workflows in the lab. Cibimmob’s R&D team is now able to structure and share their experimental designs and results, manage their daily lab activities, track raw material inventory, and unearth novel insights with built-in visualization tools, all within Uncountable’s platform.

As Heiko Lipkens, Research Director at Cibimmob, describes “Non-woven abrasives are a complex product, consisting of textile, resin and abrasive grit. Before using  Uncountable, we had all our experimental information stored in different files or folders and searching for correlations was a lot of work. Due to the integrated structure of the Uncountable platform, we’re now able to quickly detect correlations between abrasive performance and individual components or ingredients. We’re able to extract more information out of our experimental designs and the time we've regained is used to perform more experiments. It's a win-win situation, especially since we are working with a small R&D team.“

Uncountable is thrilled to be working with Cibimmob, helping them to continue innovating in their space! Visit to learn more about how your team can leverage Uncountable's LIMS, ELN, visualization and modeling capabilities to transform your R&D activities.

Aug 21, 2022

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Cibimmob, a division of Cibo Abrasives and manufacturer of 3D non-woven abrasives for sanding and polishing applications, recently selected Uncountable as their R&D management platform. They partnered with Uncountable in large part due to the comprehensiveness of the platform, which is purpose-built to support end-to-end R&D workflows in the lab. Cibimmob’s R&D team is now able to structure and share their experimental designs and results, manage their daily lab activities, track raw material inventory, and unearth novel insights with built-in visualization tools, all within Uncountable’s platform.

As Heiko Lipkens, Research Director at Cibimmob, describes “Non-woven abrasives are a complex product, consisting of textile, resin and abrasive grit. Before using  Uncountable, we had all our experimental information stored in different files or folders and searching for correlations was a lot of work. Due to the integrated structure of the Uncountable platform, we’re now able to quickly detect correlations between abrasive performance and individual components or ingredients. We’re able to extract more information out of our experimental designs and the time we've regained is used to perform more experiments. It's a win-win situation, especially since we are working with a small R&D team.“

Uncountable is thrilled to be working with Cibimmob, helping them to continue innovating in their space! Visit to learn more about how your team can leverage Uncountable's LIMS, ELN, visualization and modeling capabilities to transform your R&D activities.

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