Case Study

How MEGGLE Streamlined Data Management with Uncountable

The role of Uncountable's platform in simplifying & automating MEGGLE's workflow to increase operational efficiency

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Case Study Summary

This case study presents an in-depth exploration of MEGGLE, a global pharmaceutical ingredient leader, and the transformative journey of its Excipients Business Unit following the implementation of Uncountable's cutting-edge R&D platform.

Ricarda Leister, the Head of Research & Development, Business Unit Excipients at MEGGLE, provided first-hand insights into MEGGLE's transformational journey with Uncountable, highlighting the significant role of data management in today's digital-centric era. With data readily accessible and structured, MEGGLE has had transformative time-saving benefits – from compiling reports to data analysis; Uncountable has been key to maximizing MEGGLE's operational efficiency allowing them to accelerate the development and testing of excipients and other products.

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Section Highlights from The Full Case Study

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I. About The Customer: MEGGLE, Business Unit Excipients

II. The Challenge: Utilizing Data Effectively

III. The Uncountable Solution: Customization, Communication, & Collaboration

IV. The Result: Streamlining, Centralizing, & Automating Processes

V. About Uncountable

Jun 29, 2023

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Case Study Summary

This case study presents an in-depth exploration of MEGGLE, a global pharmaceutical ingredient leader, and the transformative journey of its Excipients Business Unit following the implementation of Uncountable's cutting-edge R&D platform.

Ricarda Leister, the Head of Research & Development, Business Unit Excipients at MEGGLE, provided first-hand insights into MEGGLE's transformational journey with Uncountable, highlighting the significant role of data management in today's digital-centric era. With data readily accessible and structured, MEGGLE has had transformative time-saving benefits – from compiling reports to data analysis; Uncountable has been key to maximizing MEGGLE's operational efficiency allowing them to accelerate the development and testing of excipients and other products.

Download The Full Case Study

Section Highlights from The Full Case Study

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I. About The Customer: MEGGLE, Business Unit Excipients

II. The Challenge: Utilizing Data Effectively

III. The Uncountable Solution: Customization, Communication, & Collaboration

IV. The Result: Streamlining, Centralizing, & Automating Processes

V. About Uncountable

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